
Looking for my way in life


Thursday, April 12, 2018

It is not just Facebook

There is a lot in the news about Facebook's use, or abuse, of user's data.  Discussion of invasion and rights of privacy, companies tracking our online footprints and use, our ability to control our privacy and software or user agreements.

This has recently come up because of Facebook and Cambridge Analytical's use of over 80 million Facebook users' online data.  Today, is the second day of hearings where congress pretends to be angry at Mark Zuckerberg testimonies and apologies.

But, it is not just Facebook and Zuckenberg. Microsoft, Google, and yes, Apple, also capitalize on using data they collect about you.  Some are more open and above board about it than others. The whole technology industry needs to get their act together.

Microsoft recently sent out an updated user agreement. They said they want it to be clear. It contains over 130 pages of text the size of this blog entry. I would bet my farm that less than 5 % of the people actually read and understand these agreements. Those that do probably have to because they are lawyers who write them and it is their job. 

As we approach enough AI sophistication to create more serious issues than the next generation of zombie kids that today's technology has created,  the lack of morals in high tech companies is really scary.  Don't get me wrong, I suspect there are some good people with values in high tech.  

But the guys making the decisions on what data to use, how to addict users to spend time on their apps, the influence on their users behavior have one goal: to make money. If they have human interest in front of making money, they don't get to run big companies and make big decisions, because people with values that align with humans best interest at heart don't get into those positions.

History has proven this. Look at the tobacco industry that killed millions, Chemical companies that pollute the waters around them,  the oil industry that is destroying our earth, and high tech that has taken control over our kids lives.

It is time we start to question is there a  better system than one the is driven by money and profits.

So, this is a rant, but that is OK. It is my blog and nobody reads it.

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